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Three departments to develop rare earth stabbing outside New DealPublished??2012??06??18??
  The recent Japanese data, Japan from the second half of 2011, the sharp decline in imports of Chinese rare earth, the first four months of this year, down 69 percent, Japan's rare earth industry in the study of rare earth alternative technologies at the same time, the use of supply diversification strategy will soon get rid of the dependence of China's rare earth. At the same time, the United States, Japan, EU and China on the rare earth trade dispute negotiation has been concluded, the risk of trade lawsuit still exists.
Industry are concerned that the shrinking of international trade to some extent, indicates that the Chinese Rare Earth international "crisis": the loss of traditional rare earth market, is likely to endanger the rare-earth management policies, such as light and heavy rare earth export category management.
However, "China Business" reporter has learned from the joint meeting of department of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce Department, the Department of Homeland rare earth, the one designed to cover the rare earth international trade, technology exchange, rare earth international strategic planning is brewing, in principle, in finalized before the end of 2012. Rare earth production and trade worldwide environmental change, the traditional Chinese rare earth international exchange of trade-based changes in rare earth technology exchange will become the main aspects of the external strategy in the future of rare earth.
Shrinking of international trade
Insiders said that within 10 years, China is likely to lose the position of the largest rare earth producer countries rely on international trade to earn high profits of the domestic enterprises are facing restructuring.
Announced by the Japanese Ministry of Finance trade statistics show that total Japanese imports of rare earth in the first four months of 2012 was 3650 tons, a decrease of 58% over the same period last year. Among them, the total amount of imports from China of 1894 tons, a decrease of 69% over the same period last year. The total Japanese imports of rare earth fell for five consecutive months. Since the beginning of 2012, the imports of a single month was the monthly decreasing trend.
In fact, the shrinking of the rare earth export trade in 2011 has begun to show, when the Chinese rare earth export quotas only 49% of the previous analysis of the industry believe that this is cause severe foreign enterprises to reduce imports caused by the Chinese Rare Earth prices. But early in 2012, lower export prices with the General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Commerce issued the first batch of rare earth export quota system, the reasons of poor sales of rare-earth price is no longer set up.
Shrinking of international trade at the same time, the international trading price of the rare earth continued to decline, data show that neodymium mid-June the price of about $ 150 per kilogram, dysprosium element about $ 1100 per kg, respectively, than in May fell 14 percent and 15 % compared to 2011's highest point, the price of neodymium and dysprosium has fallen by about 70%.
"After the implementation of the rare earth many policies, the production costs of domestic rare earth production has increased a lot, rare earth prices can not go back to low before 2009, if the price is still beyond the bottom line of the foreign enterprises, China's rare-earth prospects for international trade will be bleak. "Nanjing application of rare earth Association and vice president of Wang Hill told reporters that harm the interests of many companies to price fluctuations, if the downstream applications can not be rapid development, the rare earth industry chain will be affected.
The reporter learned that, since 2009, local government fees to the corporate name of environmental protection, and climbed to 50 percent from 10 percent of sales.
In addition to China, the world-wide in 36 countries, more than 200 companies operate in the 406 rare earth projects, including more than 30 rapid progress of the project, at least five companies will soon be involved to the rare earth market, international competition which .
Cooperation at the national, the United States, Japan and other rare-earth big country looking at how to get rid of dependence on Chinese rare earth. March 28, 2012, the United States and Europe in Japan held a meeting to discuss promoting the United States and Australia, the supply of rare earth and rare earth recovery, reduction and alternative technologies, they are in full swing layout.
Insiders said that within 10 years, China is likely to lose the position of the largest rare earth producer countries rely on international trade to earn high profits of the domestic enterprises are facing restructuring, the original hot rare earth export quota system, and now nobody cares, and in the 2011 Rare Earth the highest price per ton export quota system transfer costs up to $ 500,000.
Disputes or exacerbate
Domestic policy changes so rapidly, it is difficult to explain future export what will happen to the foreign customers, the customers of the past two years has been the loss.
Shrinkage of international trade at the same time, the international community questioned the existing Chinese rare earth export policy does not diminish. June 12th, World Trade Organization (WTO) held a meeting for the consideration of China's trade policy, criticized the "significantly strengthen the restrictions on exports of rare earths," trade policy "opaque".
As early as March 13 this year, the United States joined the European Union and Japan to the World Trade Organization (WTO), filed a request for consultations, to negotiate with China on the rare earth, tungsten, molybdenum and other restrictions on exports of raw materials regarding In accordance with WTO rules, the consultation is the first step in the dispute settlement procedures, the relevant parties can take advantage of this opportunity to reach a solution, if within 60 days of negotiations fail, the United States will require the establishment of the WTO dispute settlement panels.
To the end of May, the United States and Japan 60 days after the "Doomsday" no substantive action, early in June, reporters to the Chinese rare earth industry associations to understand the matter, the answer is still under consultation.
The industry experts said that the rare earth trade disputes, in fact, the United States and Japan did not win the grasp of both sides do not want to fight this lawsuit, especially in Japan, although its dependence on light rare earth in China is weakening, but is mainly used for high side technology of heavy rare earth, Japan is still a great demand.
In fact, the day the exchange of rare earth can be traced back 24 years ago, rare earth supply and demand cooperation began in 1988, the Chinese Rare Earth integration began in 2009, this cooperation to a standstill. In early 2012, sources said Japan must be set up in April officials and the public agreement "as a new rare earth exchange organizations, but no results. China Rare Earth Industry Association Deputy Secretary-General the Chen Zhanheng told reporters the two sides is also coordinating.
This reporter learned that the rare earth disputes between China and Japan, a lot of first-line trade in the offing, the reason is to rectify the rare earth industry in 2009, and not much regard to the original trade traditions and habits, makes a lot of foreign customers dissatisfied.
"Because domestic policy changes so rapidly, it is difficult to explain to foreign customers, the future export of what happens to the customers of the past two years has been the loss of some overseas companies prefer to be obtained through smuggling rare earth does not give us orders." Header a long been engaged in the reporter complained that the responsible persons of the Japanese trade.
In this regard, the Ministry of Commerce International Trade Specialist Jinbo Song pointed out that the rare earth international disputes and other trade issues, rooted in the power of the Chinese government intervention in the economy too much, gave many foreign criticism pretext.
Jinbo Song, after the establishment of the Rare Earth Industry Association, the purely commercial aspects by the Association to come forward, "but to avoid the government, of industry associations such as the export price, the enterprise may require the prices of consultations conducted by the association with foreign enterprises, If the government intervention, it is contrary to WTO rules too. "
The current United States and Japan on accusations of China in the field of rare earth, Jinbo Song, as long as government controls on the inside and outside the enterprise there is no difference, it can not be considered a violation of WTO rules.
China has implemented rare earth export quota restrictions, also on the domestic enterprises to implement the verification of environmental protection, barriers to entry restrictions, and other management measures, especially mandatory production of rare earth mining and refining plan issued each year, in fact limit the number of the domestic market, Hence there is no differentiated situation.
New strategy "brewing"
2012 Ministry of Industry and also the introduction of rare earth industry management practices, industry access standards of the specific content of the international strategic planning to development to determine.
China Rare Earth Industry Association, April 19 at the inaugural meeting, the first president of the Association Gan Yong made it clear that the Association in 2012, an important task is to develop rare earth strategic planning, which covers international trade, international technology exchange aspects. In early June, the reporter learned that, due to the rare earth industry associations in the establishment of procedures has not yet been completed, a lot of work, including the international exchange has not yet commenced.
The reporter has learned that the development of rare earth strategic planning in 2012 rare earth joint meeting of the department of the need to do one of the things, the newly formed China rare earth industry associations need to closely cooperate with the rare earth are important raw materials subject to export quota restrictions, the International Planning involves the collaboration of various departments of the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry, Land Department, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs.
Participate in the work of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce Department who told reporters, according to plan, international strategic planning should be introduced during the year in 2012 but the departments and the US-Japan trade negotiations on the rare earth is still in progress, the results of the variables is also planned variables. In addition, they also said the 2012 Ministry of Industry and also the introduction of rare earth industry management practices, the industry access standards of the international strategic planning, the specific content of work done in order to determine access conditions on the rare earth industry is one of them . In December 2011, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Conference 2012 will be released to the rare earth industry access conditions.
Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Jiangxi Rare Earth Industry Association, who told reporters in the making of the "rare earth international strategic planning related to the future of many local businesses, because companies to obtain export qualifications, both to national mandatory production plans, but also by the constraints of the national environmental standards at the national level the overall strategy is directly related to the existing implementation of the policy direction.
Worldwide increase in production of light rare earth faster than expected, the 2011 U.S. production of 4,000 tons of rare earth, five years earlier than previously expected, the amount of this year will be more. "Who participated in the Rare Earth Rare Earth International Planning The experts told this reporter on June 13, the "12th Five-Year" period, the main task of the international exchange of rare earth is to improve the technology, especially high-end technology, "China makes the largest rare earth producer, but can be done to maximize the application of rare earth the country. "
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